Attention Dancers & Parents: THIS Saturday (March 12) we will be having MANDATORY Gym Practice/Mock Competition from 9 am till NOON at the Duchesne 1st & 3rd Ward Church Gym. THIS PRACTICE IS MANDATORY, DANCERS WILL NOT BE EXCUSED FOR MISSING THIS PRACTICE! Dancers need to come wearing their team warm-ups over their team practice attire. Bring ALL of your costumes, costume accessories, shoes, tights, warm-ups, etc. Come with your hair & make-up in competition style when you arrive (see below for required make-up & hair styles). If dancers need help with their hair and/or make-up they need to meet at the church building by 8:15 am! Bring all of your own hair & make-up supplies. Come as ready as possible. If you only need help with hair, make sure you already have on all your make-up & vice versa. If any moms are willing to help with hair and/or make-up, please come at 8:15 am. We will practice all routines the first 1 ½ -2 hours and the last 1 – 1 ½ hours will be our Mock Competition. We will also be taking team pictures throughout practice. There will be judges to critique the girls on their performances. We need to be as prepared & professional as we would be at competition. DO NOT BE LATE!
TEAM MAKE-UP: ALL Dancers need to wear DARK eyeshadow (browns/grays), BLACK mascara, BLACK eyeliner (top & bottom), dark RED lipstick, and LOTS of blush! Performance make-up is much heavier/darker than you would usually wear it. ABSOLUTELY NO GLITTER!
HAIR: All dancers need to wear their hair parted on the LEFT side (2-3 inches back) and FRENCH BRAIDED from the “part” to the edge of your forehead right as it starts to curve. Secure the braid with a CLEAR hair elastic. NO BANGS, braid them in! Then (after the french braid is in) MINIS need to slick their hair back into a TIGHT HIGH ponytail with lots of BIG CURLS. Then (after the french braid is in) PETITES & SENIORS need to slick their hair into a TIGHT ponytail in the middle of the back of your head. Then pull the hair into a TIGHT messy bun.
Make sure you do not have any “fly-aways”. Use lots of bobby pins, hair spray, & hair elastics that match your hair color. Practice doing your hair before our Mock Competition and make sure it will stay in place tightly for the entire performance.
The Mock Competition will start between 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM. Parents are welcome to watch the Mock Competition portion of practice ONLY! This is a closed dress rehearsal/gym practice! Parents coming to watch the Mock Competition will NOT be allowed to enter the gym or stage area until 10:45 AM. THIS DRESS REHEARSAL/MOCK COMPETITION IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Only parents of team dancers are allowed to watch the mock competition, no other relatives, friends, etc. Please try not to bring children with you, as it is a distraction to the dancers & we have limited seating.
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