Attention EDE Dancers & Parents: PIZZA KIT FUND RAISER ITEMS WILL BE DELIVERED THIS UPCOMING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST BETWEEN: 6:30 P.M. & 7:30 P.M. AT THE FAIR BUILDING (50 E 400 S). ALL DANCERS WILL NEED TO PICK UP THEIR PIZZA KITS/FUNDRAISER ITEMS DURING THIS TIME AND DELIVER THEM TO THE CUSTOMERS ASAP! If for any reason you are not able to pick up your Pizza Kit Items at the above stated date & time, it is YOUR responsibility to have someone there to pick the items up for you! If someone is picking up your Pizza Kit Items for you then you need to let Dana know who will be picking them up & a phone number to contact them. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR PIZZA KIT ITEMS AT THIS TIME BECAUSE THEY WILL NEED TO BE FROZEN OR DELIVERED ASAP! I DO NOT HAVE A FREEZER TO PUT EVERYONE’S ITEMS IN! YOU NEED TO PICK THEM UP! Thanks!
If you have any questions contact Dana at 435-724-5544 or email
*Dana will not be at the pizza delivery because her baby will be in surgery that day. However her husband, Todd & possibly other volunteers will be there to help you & to make sure you pick up the correct amount of items you sold. Please follow their instructions. Also, each dancer's parent must sign a sheet saying that you have picked up all fundraiser items that are on your list and that you will deliver them or freeze them ASAP.*
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